Missouri Speleology Subscriptions

Missouri Speleology subscriptions are currently available for $10 per issue.  

Our subscription model is to prepay for each issue. Interested subscribers can pay ahead for as many future issues as they’d like.  This helps fund the publication of future issues. 

Because Missouri Speleology is no longer tied to a calendar year, subscription model, multiple issues may come out in a given year, or not.  Either way, as a new issue comes out subscribers will receive them in the mail or at MSS meetings as long as they’re paid ahead.  

When your subscription runs out you will be notified and can then renew.  Individual issues can also be purchased separately. When issues are purchased individually, outside of a subscription they may cost slightly more or less than $10 depending upon the issue.  

We try to maintain a regular publication schedule of one or more issues per year, but effectively we publish as we can which is largely determined by availabilty of material and time of the editorial staff.  

Currently, as of January 2016, we’re publishing around three issues per year, or one for each MSS meeting. 

Click here to download a paper subscription form for new issues or use the PayPal link below.  When using PayPal enter in the appropriate amount, at $10 per issue for the number of issues you’d like to receive.  For example, if you’d like the next five issues, the subscription fee would be $50.  

Contact us for pricing on individual back issues.  For back issues a check can be mailed or PayPal can be used.

Use the PayPal donate button below for all purchases including subscription, individual issues or other items from the MSS store.

Currently the MSS is developing an online store to sell paper back issues of Missouri Speleology.  While the store is a work in progress, click the link to access:  MSS Store.  

Back issues can be purchased either through the store, if the issue is listed or via PayPal.